Monday, November 2, 2015

Review: Covergirl Mascara - Free from BzzAgent

Let me just say - this mascara is awesome. I have used it every day for over a month. Day. Night. Work. Date. It's perfect. I've received so many compliments on my lashes that I am thinking, 'People must really be able to see my lashes if they're going to comment on them." 

The wand was a little 'eh' when I first saw it. it didn't have as many bristles as I would have thought, but oh boy. Does it work. It adds a lot of mascara to your lashes (and because of it's shape, narrow, you can get those baby lashes in the corners!) and allows you to comb through...separating them and making them look like perfect lashes.

Tips: I put the tube in my bra against my skin as i do the rest of my makeup and hair, so that when you're ready for the mascara (to complete any look), it's warmed up and goes on that much easier. 

I highly recommend that you try this at least once. I know I'll be buying it again. I got this product for free through BzzAgent. My free sample was full size, and I also received some $2 off coupons to share the love =)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bzz Agent Vidal Sassoon London Luxe - Permanent Hair Colour in Runway Red

Ellie tried out this beautiful hair colour, and the results speak for themselves. Here's her experience:

My Rating 5/5
I was actually pleasantly surprised with this product. I have tried MANY box colours in the past and was frequently disappointed so when I tried this colour I promised myself to really critique everything
The first thing I remember when mixing the colour was that I was pretty sure it was actual professional colour you get at the beauty supply in a one use, easy to use bottle. Mixing was super easy, no need to measure or add any pigment colours to get the vibrant look. 
The next thing that I LOVED was that finally a colour company did not provide you with oversized sandwich gloves to make you colour your hair with; you got actual rubber gloves that fit your hands perfectly. These avoided me taking the gloves off half way through due to frustration. For once I managed to colour my hair without having stained hands for a few days, or having to buy proper gloves separately; definitely a win in my book. 
Application was pretty simple just point and squeeze. One tip would be to not rush the shaking process before applying to your hair. I was very excited to start the colour transformation that I did not shake the bottle as long as directed. As such when I first applied the colour to my hair the first liquid that came out was some unmixed peroxide, after shaking the mixture for 10 more seconds (as directed) everything was mixed properly. The only down side was that a very small patch of my hair was a little lighter than the rest as it effectively developed a little more than the rest. Since I caught my mistake pretty quick it was not noticeable unless I pointed it out. 
One thing I can suggest is to know your hair, and what you can get away with work wise before attempting to do such a vibrant colour. For me I have very dark brown hair that doesn’t like to take to colour very easily so I kept the colour in about 10 min longer than directed but it turned out to be the exact vibrancy that I was looking for. Since I work in an office I needed to make sure that my hair would not be too “much”. I consulted the handy results images based on hair colour on the box and it was pretty spot on. 
All in all I was very happy with the whole process of using this product from start to finish. It had easy to follow instructions, super easy application, and the colour came out exactly how I wanted it. The best part was that weeks after colouring it the colour has not faded.  

Thanks Ellie! I really appreciated her taking the time to help me out with this Bzz Campaign, I was too scared to go red after being a blonde for ever! You can follow Ellie on Twitter here: @elethari

Monday, December 29, 2014

BzzAgent & Secret Outlast® Clear Gel

As a girl who is always very cautious about pit-stains and feeling/smelling fresh under my arms - Secret Outlast® Clear Gel is the first gel based deodorant I've used that dries quick and actually WORKS. BzzAgent and Secret provided me with a FREE sample to try! I need to wear business attire for work, and the worst is when your silky shirts get that white deodorant stain, or worse- become wet. This product not only works very well, but smells great too =) Just thought I would share!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Delicious Wines Under $15

My step-mom introduced me to red wine a couple years ago, and I still enjoy finding new hidden gems in my local LCBO. If a label caught my eye I've probably tried the wine at some point. A couple of my staples are usually ones that she had suggested and I've fallen in love with.

Below is a list of some pretty good wines for under $15 to keep your bar nice and stocked.

Red Wines Under $15
  • Charlie's Blend, Shiraz, Australian $14.25

  • Naked Grape, Shiraz, Ontarian $9.95
  • Casa Planeta, Syrah, Italian $11.95
  • French Cross, Pinot Grigio, Canadian $10.95
  • Wonambi, Shiraz, Australian $13.25
  • The Little Penguin, Shiraz, Australian $10.95

  • If you're not familiar with a type of wine, but would like to try it, ask an employee at your local liquor store or wine store. The staff is very knowledgeable. 
  • If you're feeling adventurous, choose a cheap bottle and give it a shot!

Any suggestions?

No, I'm not dead or in witness protection! (Not that anyone reads this anyways...)

Good Morning Internet,

I haven't written on this blog since just before I Graduated from Sheridan College (I accept your congratulations).

I'm just writing again because I feel inspiration...Know where it stemmed from?


If you haven't discovered the glorious world that is Pinterest, I highly suggest that you do.

For your information, my Pinterest can be found here.

I'm going to be redecorating my apartment in the coming months and where better to document my trials and tribulations than here?

Chat soon internet/nobody!

<3 Meg

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chicken with peppers, white wine in pasta

Do you ever look in your fridge for dinner and have a mix of things that don't seem to go together? That was me Tuesday night. I knew I wanted to use chicken, so before class I took one chicken breast out of the freezer to defrost. I also felt like being fancy that night and use some wine in my cooking. Here's what I came up with, and it was delicious!
Chicken with Peppers over Pasta
What you'll need:

  • Chicken breast
  • Red, Orange peppers
  • Onion
  • Fresh Lime
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Olive Oil
  • White wine
  • Veggie cream cheese
  • Pasta (I used spaghetti) 
  • Turn the burner on to medium, get nice and hot, add some olive oil
  • Cover and rub the chicken with salt and pepper and place in the pan once the pan is hot
  • While the chicken is cooking, chop up the onion and peppers
  • Stir around the peppers and onion to ensure evenly cooking.
  • flip the chicken to the uncooked side after about 6 minutes
  • Begin to boil the water for your pasta
  • after the 6 minutes, add your pasta to the water and remove the chicken from the pan to a cutting board, and reduce heat to just below medium.
  • Cut the chicken into chunks or strips and add back to pan.
  • Toss in about a spoonful of cream cheese and 1/2 cup of white  wine and the cooked (strained) pasta
  • Continue cooking until chicken is cooked, the wine has reduced a bit
 I finished mine off with some freshly squeezed lime. The sauce was very light and you could taste every flavour in the dish. So good!
Tips:Look at what you have in your fridge. Use creativity to use up leftovers before grocery day! Send me your photos or post your comments!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bored of the same old sandwich?

Peanut butter & Jelly. Tuna fish. Chicken salad. We've all been there. The "sandwich rut". The same ol' same ol'. These sandwiches are incredibly easy and the ingredients are simple, delicious and healthy. I'll be working my way through the entire list.

Healthy and Delicious Sandwiches
More than enough for every day of the week!

What you'll need: (to make every sandwich)

  • Vegetable Cream Cheese
  • Strawberry or Blueberry Cream Cheese
  • Almond or Peanut Butter
  • Laughing Cow Spreadable Cheese
  • Hummus
  • Jam
  • Cucumber
  • Yellow, red and orange sweet peppers
  • Dried Cranberries, slivered Almonds
  • Sliced Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Sliced Strawberries
  • Sliced Tomato
  • graded carrots
  • sliced Ham or turkey
  • BREAD!


  • These sandwiches are so easy, instructions aren't really needed. The picture tells you which combos work best, but you can be creative.
Tuna & Tomato (I added peppers)

I also add about 1 tablespoon of light mayo
After following the picture, I found out that SLICING the tomato might be a better idea

Cucumber & Veggie Cream Cheese - so fresh and yummy

These are fresh, wholesome and tasty lunches that fill you up. 

try them on bagels, turn the ham sandwich into a panini or create your own!

Send me your photos or post your comments!

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