Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chicken with peppers, white wine in pasta

Do you ever look in your fridge for dinner and have a mix of things that don't seem to go together? That was me Tuesday night. I knew I wanted to use chicken, so before class I took one chicken breast out of the freezer to defrost. I also felt like being fancy that night and use some wine in my cooking. Here's what I came up with, and it was delicious!
Chicken with Peppers over Pasta
What you'll need:

  • Chicken breast
  • Red, Orange peppers
  • Onion
  • Fresh Lime
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Olive Oil
  • White wine
  • Veggie cream cheese
  • Pasta (I used spaghetti) 
  • Turn the burner on to medium, get nice and hot, add some olive oil
  • Cover and rub the chicken with salt and pepper and place in the pan once the pan is hot
  • While the chicken is cooking, chop up the onion and peppers
  • Stir around the peppers and onion to ensure evenly cooking.
  • flip the chicken to the uncooked side after about 6 minutes
  • Begin to boil the water for your pasta
  • after the 6 minutes, add your pasta to the water and remove the chicken from the pan to a cutting board, and reduce heat to just below medium.
  • Cut the chicken into chunks or strips and add back to pan.
  • Toss in about a spoonful of cream cheese and 1/2 cup of white  wine and the cooked (strained) pasta
  • Continue cooking until chicken is cooked, the wine has reduced a bit
 I finished mine off with some freshly squeezed lime. The sauce was very light and you could taste every flavour in the dish. So good!
Tips:Look at what you have in your fridge. Use creativity to use up leftovers before grocery day! Send me your photos or post your comments!

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