Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bored of the same old sandwich?

Peanut butter & Jelly. Tuna fish. Chicken salad. We've all been there. The "sandwich rut". The same ol' same ol'. These sandwiches are incredibly easy and the ingredients are simple, delicious and healthy. I'll be working my way through the entire list.

Healthy and Delicious Sandwiches
More than enough for every day of the week!

What you'll need: (to make every sandwich)

  • Vegetable Cream Cheese
  • Strawberry or Blueberry Cream Cheese
  • Almond or Peanut Butter
  • Laughing Cow Spreadable Cheese
  • Hummus
  • Jam
  • Cucumber
  • Yellow, red and orange sweet peppers
  • Dried Cranberries, slivered Almonds
  • Sliced Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Sliced Strawberries
  • Sliced Tomato
  • graded carrots
  • sliced Ham or turkey
  • BREAD!


  • These sandwiches are so easy, instructions aren't really needed. The picture tells you which combos work best, but you can be creative.
Tuna & Tomato (I added peppers)

I also add about 1 tablespoon of light mayo
After following the picture, I found out that SLICING the tomato might be a better idea

Cucumber & Veggie Cream Cheese - so fresh and yummy

These are fresh, wholesome and tasty lunches that fill you up. 

try them on bagels, turn the ham sandwich into a panini or create your own!

Send me your photos or post your comments!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Frozen Peach Bellini - Cosmopolitan Magazine

Planning a girls' night for our break week, and instead of trying to create another masterpiece of my own, I  checked out Cosomo to see what they had to offer. This is a simple drink to make at home as long as you have a blender. Find the original posting here

Frozen Peach Bellini 
I want you in my mouth

What you'll need:
  • 2 ½ oz. sparkling wine
  • 1 oz. triple sec
  • 1 oz. peace puree (blend a ripe peach)
  • 1 oz. simple syrup (dissolve one part sugar in one part boiling water; let cool) plus a squeeze of lemon
  • Garnish: peach wedge

Blend all ingredients in a blender for a minute or so with a cup of ice. This makes one drink!

These drinks are sweet and delicious. Go to Super Store to pick up inexpensive acrylic drinking glasses to really serve in style.
Easy to wash, cost $1-2, and not breakable!

Italian inspired BLT

I'm going to be outlining how to make a delicious Italian inspired BLT, given by my Marketing professor Anne-Liisa Longmore.

Italian BLT
What you'll need:

  • A fresh baguette
  • Half a package of goat cheese
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • A clove of garlic
  • 12 slices of spicy pancetta thinly sliced
  • Two or three ripe tomatoes
  • A couple of thin slices of red onion
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • fresh basil

  • Slice baguette in half. Drizzle lightly with olive oil. Cut clove of garlic length-wise and then rub onto the baguette, ensuring that you cover both halves. Place baguettes into a 300 - 350 degree heated oven on a cookie sheet for about 10 minutes.
  • While baguette is in the oven, take the goat cheese, put in a bowl and add the milk slowly while mixing. Continue adding milk and stirring until the consistency is like very soft cream cheese. Put aside.
  • In a heated pan, sear the slices of pancetta and cook to preferred consistency - lightly crispy is best. Remove pancetta from pan and place flatly on paper towel to absorb oil.
  • Slice onion and tomatoes (can either slice or dice whichever is preferred). Tear basil leaves.
  • Remove baguette from oven. Liberally spread goat cheese onto each half. Add slices of pancetta to each half. Top with tomato slices. Drizzle lightly with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  • Using a heavy duty butcher's knife, cut baguette into smaller serving sizes. Once cut, top with onion and basil
This can be an appetizer, or a tasty way to share a bottle of wine with a friend or special someone. Let me know how it works out, and send in your pictures!

If you think you need more time to prepare the ingredients, turn the oven down to 200 degrees while you work.

Send me your photos or post your comments =)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Sweet & Sour Meatballs

Want something easy to make that you can eat as soon as you get in the door? Try my MacPherson family recipe for Sweet & Sour Meatballs.

Sweet & Sour Meatballs (a la Erin MacPherson aka Step-Mum)

What you'll need:
  • Slow-cooker or large pot with lid (like, really large)
  • 1-2 lbs Ground beef (I use Extra Lean)
  • 1 jar Heinz Chili Sauce (I assume that store brand chili sauce will work just as well)
  • 1 jar Grape jelly
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 table spoon  BBQ sauce
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped onion 

  • In a large bowl mix together beef, mustard, BBQ sauce and onion.
  • Get in there! Use your freshly washed hands to mix everything together until blended.
  • Wash hands again, and grab a tray or cutting board. Begin to shape mixture into meatballs (I got about 35 out of my most recent batch)
  • In your slow-cooker (or large pot) add the Heinz chili sauce and grape jelly. I usually grab a whisk and break up the jelly a bit, but it will eventually melt down.
  • Turn your slow-cooker on LOW and begin to carefully add your meatballs. Don't worry too much if the sauce doesn't cover everyone. As they cook, the meatballs shrink in size and everything will get covered in sauce.
  • I cook mine for about 7-9 hours.
  • Serve with rice and a dinner roll. You're done! Enjoy =)

So delicious. Mmmmm...

Meatballs are something super easy to prepare and you can leave it while you go to school or work. My dinner guests could smell them from down the hall in my apartment.

  • Like spice? Use 1 tablespoon of paprika in the mixture to add some kick.
  • Use a tablespoon measuring spoon to roughly measure your meatballs. Form a ball, and if it fits nicely in the measuring spoon, then it's a good size.
  • Basmati rice is my favourite with this recipe. 

Send me your photos or post your comments
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